Listen, is that the trees saying, “Thank You?”

Listen, is that the trees saying, “Thank You?”

Sustainable & Ecofriendly panel is the need of the Hour

%Zero wood %

What a past few months it has been!

The global Covid – 19 pandemic and the lockdown has spared no life or the economy.

Strangely, the world around us began to heal. 
Birds sang louder, the air was purer, dolphins swam the canals of Venice 
and peacocks roamed free in parking lots. 

How soon before, we get back to being our destructive best?
This has proved without doubt – Earth needs heroes. 
We have to all start making a difference!

Sure, none of us have the time, we will all get busy rebuilding our businesses. 

But what if we could rebuild and restore at the same time?

Ideas and designs can flourish along with beautiful strong trees. 

Let’s at least begin.

It’s time to CREATE without CUTTING, to DESIGN without DESTROYING.

May we present, an Earth-friendly and 100% Sustainable alternative to wood – INDOWUD. 

In a world that loves its labels, we are known as INDOWUD NFC.

We are “wood made from zero wood”.
We are created with the AHIMSA DESIGN PHILOSOPHY of co-existence!
We are crafted from agricultural husk – the same husk that is burnt across the North in winters and causes fatal levels of pollution across Delhi and other cities! 

We are NFC – Natural Fibre Composite Board

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