Termite V/S Masterpieces- Choose Indowud NFC

Termite V/S Masterpieces- Choose Indowud NFC

%Zero wood %

Did You know?

Subterranean termites particularly in tropical soils, can cause damage to PVC products, wires, cables and pipe fittings at the depth of upto 10 feet. The combination of acidic secretions of soldier termites and saw like jaws of worker termites can cause serious damage to structures.

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What if we say –

There is a permanent solution to the termite menace?

What if there is a 100 % termite-proof material?

As a result of advanced technology and years of R&D, Indowud NFC has emerged a revolutionary product which takes away the torture that termites and pest control services bring. The various other features in Indowud has also aroused interest in many architects, designers and people in all walks of society.

Do TERMITES cause serious health and wealth risks?

Yes,  when the pest control professionals are called upon to address the situation, many times the chemical in itself is so poisonous that it could even lead to death, if inhaled accidentally.

The post treatment smell and emissions sometimes cause serious respiratory ailments in elderly people and children.  Hence, the chemical is diluted and then injected in the holes caused by drilling walls or the furniture.  

Very soon, the interior creations lose its value as the termites stay away until the chemical doesn’t fade away. However, it is their pattern of rising from the ground and going upwards in the structure in search of hospitable homes to nurture their population that is a serious concern.

Take an action, NOW !

How heartbreaking it could be to witness serious structural damages on a building or home only because there might be termite attacks that went undetected.

 Well! This is a very common scenario in various parts of the world, especially in the United States and in the Indian subcontinent.

Each year termites- “The Silent Destroyers” cause about $5 billion of damage in property across the world. There are about more than 3000 species of termites found usually in colonies which could go up to 2 million individuals. So, their capacity to destroy is unimaginable depending on the humidity and temperature of a region.

Their ability to chew through structures especially wood has raised concerns all over the globe.

So the next time when you create, Remember-Indowud NFC can add life to your creation.

In the fight of Termites Vs Masterpieces, let’s chose to create and nurture masterpieces!

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